Friday, September 10, 2010

Day 34

Today I weighed in at 187.0lbs. I was shocked that I had even lost this week because I just was not in the head space to be exercising and eating right. Somedays it comes so easy and somedays it doesn't take more than a few words to talk myself out of my routine.

Losing weight is hard. I can handle the physical aspects like the working out but I find the mental aspect of it quite difficult. I seem to tell myself that if I don't loss 5lbs a week I may as well just give up because clearly it's not working.

I have a lifecoach type person who keeps me accountable which is great. Wouldn't be 6lbs lighter if I didn't.

One thing I wish I would've done was measure myself. I can feel in my legs and arms and butt that they are getting smaller so it would've been nice to see inches-wise what I've lost but I'll keep chuggin' along because I know that I will be so much happier and healthier if I keep at it. Not only that but I'll have a lovely new tat to show off :)

Rock out!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Day 13

well, this week i only lost 0.2 pounds. i guess it's better than gaining. i knew not to expect much as i turned to food a few times this week for comfort.

this weight loss crap can get me to down in the dumps that it's just stupid. i know it's for my own good but the food just CALLS ME!

will keep exercising and hoping for the best.

i wonder if my attitude would change if i prayed about this.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Day 4

well so far so good *fingers crossed*.

i've successfully been around the 1500 calories per day and have exercised every day.

things i'm struggling with:

~ anxiety off and on
~ evening snacking
~ being patient for results; it's only been 4 days :p

have decided that i will be rewarding myself with a shoulder tattoo once i have reached my goal. super pumped about that. i have always wanted a full sleeve but have been to worried about what others would think and i don't want to be a fat girl with a sleeve, it doesn't nearly look as nice.

keeping with it!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

day 1

i decided to write out my weight loss journey in hopes that it will leave me a little more accountable. if i'm honest with myself, i really hate this whole process and i curse myself for letting it get this bad.

i am approximately 25 pounds overweight and it's been driving me crazy for a long time now. i would say that it occupies my mind the majority of the day. i feel completely out of shape and i feel down right FAT!

i decided to join an online calorie counting website to track my food intake and exercise.

my short term goals are:

~ exercise at least 5 days a week even if that means just a 20 minute walk
~ lose 5 pounds by Friday, August 20th
~ stay under 1500 calories per day

i know i can do this, i just have to get in the head space to do it.

wish me luck :s